Hey all !!! I am closing the comments. Thx for all your updates and info on your Dead Drops. There ‘ ll be soon the possibility to register as a user at DD data base and to comment on each drop individually!
Please keep discussing, brainstorming and add your ideas in the Forum!
The DeadDrop featured on linked page, no longer exists. It has been brutally torn off the wall.
ID 522 (in Feldbrunnen near Solothurn) does not exist anymore. Please delete the entry. Or I did not find it? I will look again…
Hi, i have a problem with my dd point in the world map, it figures in the midle of indian sea, instead of Cali Colombia.
the latitud : 3°26’53.64″N
the longitud: 76°32’19.83″O
please help me about this i will be so gratefull
Obviously i’m to stupid to find a comment function for a single deaddrop or the possibility to add a hint. The deaddrop “Anti-Cloud1” in Bad Krozingen is destroyed.
128 responses to “Database, Map & Submit”
Hey all !!! I am closing the comments. Thx for all your updates and info on your Dead Drops. There ‘ ll be soon the possibility to register as a user at DD data base and to comment on each drop individually!
Please keep discussing, brainstorming and add your ideas in the Forum!
The DeadDrop featured on linked page, no longer exists. It has been brutally torn off the wall.
ID 522 (in Feldbrunnen near Solothurn) does not exist anymore. Please delete the entry. Or I did not find it? I will look again…
Hi, i have a problem with my dd point in the world map, it figures in the midle of indian sea, instead of Cali Colombia.
the latitud : 3°26’53.64″N
the longitud: 76°32’19.83″O
please help me about this i will be so gratefull
Obviously i’m to stupid to find a comment function for a single deaddrop or the possibility to add a hint. The deaddrop “Anti-Cloud1” in Bad Krozingen is destroyed.